How do you charge a laptop without a charger?

In order to charge your iPhone, you will need either an Apple-brand iPhone cable or a third-party charging cable that is compatible with an iPhone. You can then plug this cable into a computer, or into a USB wall-charger.
There are lots of hoax videos that claim to allow you to charge using residual energy from other objects, or by plugging your device into fruit. These are false, and can even cause damage to your iPhone.
Method 1 of 3: Repairing Your Charging Cable
1.Cut the casing away from the large end of the charger. Carefully cut away the plastic casing that houses the large end of the charger.
2.Cut the cable where it is broken. Make sure that you don’t cut the base of the plug.
3.Strip away the protective rubber. On the cable side of the cut, strip away about an inch of the protective rubber casing. This will expose the three wires that make the cable.
You should also see the same three wires exposed on the plug as well.
You may need to strip away a foil layer to see the three wires.
4.Strip away the protective casing for each of the wires. This will expose the metal filaments that make the wire. Make sure you don’t sever these metal filaments while stripping the protective casing.
Strip the ends of both the cable side and the plug side.
5.Twist together the corresponding wires for the cable and plug. Match the colors of the protective casing and twist the matching wires together.
6.Wrap each individual connection in electrical tape. Cover all of the exposed metal for each connection. This will prevent the exposed wires from touching each other and shorting the connection.
7.Wrap all three wires together with electrical tape. This will help keep all the wires in place and secure.
8.Slide heat-shrink tubing over the new connection. You can find this tubing at electronic supply stores like Radio Shack, or use a rubber replacement like sugru. This will help protect the connection, but is not necessary.
Method 2 of 3: Using Alternative Chargers
1.Purchase a wind turbine. A small wind turbine can be an excellent way to charge your phone. There are a number of new options available from online retailers.
Strap the wind turbine to your phone. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, connect the wind turbine to your phone.
Charge your phone. Once your wind turbine is connected to your phone, take it along with you as you walk, run, or bike; alternatively, if it is windy, you can simply take your phone outside. The wind will charge your phone, typically in about five to six hours.
2.Purchase a solar-powered charger. Solar power can be a fantastic way to charge your phone, and it’s environmentally friendly, too! There are several options available from online retailers.
Leave your charger in the sun. Set your solar-powered charger somewhere in the sun. It will store energy for later use.
Charge your phone. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, connect your phone to the charger. Now you have power – and if you need more, you simply need to find more sun!
3.Purchase a hand-crank machine. If you’re up for a little exercise, you can use your own muscle power to charge your phone! A number of options are available from online retailers.
Crank or wind your device. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, crank or wind your machine until you’ve collected enough energy for your iPhone.
Plug in your phone. Plug your phone into your hand-crank machine, and crank some more. It typically takes about two to three hours to charge a phone this way.
4.Purchase a campfire charger. There are several chargers that can attach to your camping pots and pans that absorb heat from your campfire and turn it into energy. You can set the pot on the campfire and plug the cable into your iPhone, charging it while you cook dinner.
Method 3 of 3: Building a Fruit Battery
1.Gather your materials. In order to make a fruit battery that has any hope of actually charging your device, you will need several components. Note: this has the potential to damage your device, so only proceed if you are ready to accept any possible risks. You will need:
About a dozen acidic fruits, such as citrus, apples, or pears.
A copper screw or penny for each piece of fruit. If you are using pennies after 1982, they will need to be sanded to expose the copper.
A zinc (galvanized) nail for each fruit.
Insulated copper wire.
Rubber gloves. Make sure to wear these at all times to prevent getting shocked.
2.Insert a zinc nail into the first fruit. Make sure that you leave a little bit of the nail exposed so that you can connect the wire to it.
3.Insert the copper piece into the fruit. Insert the copper piece near the zinc nail, but do not let them touch or the battery will short. If you are using citrus fruit, try to get both objects into the same segment of fruit.
4.Repeat the process for all the fruit. Insert the objects into the rest of the fruit. Take care to ensure that none of the metal pieces touch each other when inserting them.
5.Connect the fruit with the copper wire. Use the copper wire to connect each fruit into a circuit. Connect a wire from the copper piece of one fruit to the zinc of another. Connect the copper piece on the second fruit to the zinc of the third, and so on.
6.Cut open your USB charging cable. Cut the large end of the charging cable off to reveal the wires inside the cable. Connect the power wires to the end of the fruit chain that you have created.
7.Plug the charger into your iPhone. Each piece of fruit should be producing about half a volt, which should add up to the five volts you need to charge the device. You likely won’t be able to charge for very long using this method.
As the zinc dissolves in the fruit, it releases zinc ions, which releases energy. The zinc ions also reduce copper ions, which releases more energy. When combined in a circuit, they release enough energy to charge the device.
